Normally, when you are watching a 3D movie, the special dark glasses create a different image for each eye, thereby giving you the seeming effect of a live, 3D image. In actuality, the human brain mixes up these two different images and creates a composite, “breathing”, 3D image.
So how is one able to perceive 3D content without wearing these special glasses? Well, an interesting technology called the APB or Autostereoscopic Parallax Barrier is what gives a glasses-free 3D display. Here, a device is kept in front of an LCD and this is what enables the user to get glasses-free 3D content.
The Japanese electronics giant, Sharp, has been working on this technology for quite some time. But they employ it a little differently. They use a “switching LCD”, which can shift between 2D and 3D imaging, without using special glasses. When the switching feature is turned off, you can see normal 2D content. But switching on the parallax barrier creates different patterns for each eye, thereby giving the 3D effect.
Content From: The Red Dice August Issue- Click here to read online
The Red Dice: 45k Subscriber
Draw on 1st Jan 2012
So how is one able to perceive 3D content without wearing these special glasses? Well, an interesting technology called the APB or Autostereoscopic Parallax Barrier is what gives a glasses-free 3D display. Here, a device is kept in front of an LCD and this is what enables the user to get glasses-free 3D content.
The Japanese electronics giant, Sharp, has been working on this technology for quite some time. But they employ it a little differently. They use a “switching LCD”, which can shift between 2D and 3D imaging, without using special glasses. When the switching feature is turned off, you can see normal 2D content. But switching on the parallax barrier creates different patterns for each eye, thereby giving the 3D effect.
Content From: The Red Dice August Issue- Click here to read online
The Red Dice: 45k Subscriber
Offer Limited- It is totally free! Draw on 1st Jan 2012