Quantum computer users may soon have to wrestle with their own version of the "PC or Mac?" question. A design based on superconducting electrical circuits has now performed two benchmark feats, suggesting it will be a serious competitor to rival setups using photons or ions.
"The number of runners in the race has just gone up to three," says Andrew White of the University of Queensland, Australia, who builds quantum computers based on photons and was not involved in the new result.
The defining feature of a quantum computer is that it uses quantum bits or qubits. Unlike ordinary bits, these can exist in multiple states at once, known as a superposition. They can also be entangled with each other, so their quantum states are linked, allowing them to be in a sort of "super" superposition of quantum states.
This means quantum computers could perform multiple calculations simultaneously, making them much faster than ordinary computers at some tasks.
Previously, setups using photons or trapped ions as qubits have made the most headway in early calculations. Now Matteo Mariantoni of the University of California, Santa Barbara, and colleagues have boosted the computing power of a rival design, first demonstrated in 2003, that uses tiny, superconducting wires instead.
"The number of runners in the race has just gone up to three," says Andrew White of the University of Queensland, Australia, who builds quantum computers based on photons and was not involved in the new result.
The defining feature of a quantum computer is that it uses quantum bits or qubits. Unlike ordinary bits, these can exist in multiple states at once, known as a superposition. They can also be entangled with each other, so their quantum states are linked, allowing them to be in a sort of "super" superposition of quantum states.
This means quantum computers could perform multiple calculations simultaneously, making them much faster than ordinary computers at some tasks.
Previously, setups using photons or trapped ions as qubits have made the most headway in early calculations. Now Matteo Mariantoni of the University of California, Santa Barbara, and colleagues have boosted the computing power of a rival design, first demonstrated in 2003, that uses tiny, superconducting wires instead.